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real estate quizlet final exam

How many questions are on the real estate exam? a mortgage broker usually offers what service? The death of the seller or the listing broker will terminate the listing. Real Estate Finance 30 Final Exam & Answer Key 1) For all practical purposes, an "Alienation Clause" is basically the same as a: a) Call Clause . Is earnest money required to make a contract valid? A factory requiring federally mandated reductions in carbon emissions or other government regulations will cost the owner a large amount of investment capital and have the result of reducing the financial gain on the investment for the owner. A lender that restricts the number of loans in certain areas of a community because of its racial or ethnic make-up, or the lender's poor collection record in the neighborhood is referred to as __. (Even the Seller), against the law in NJ, meaning anything over set sale price broker keeps, Saul dies and devises his property to his second wife for her lifetime, after which the property passes to his children. A person who has wanted to buy a property may get the right to make the first offer, whereas a person who has the right to take accept or refuse a deal that the seller has already gotten has a right of first refusal. So, 5,280 x 5,280 = 27,878,400 square feet. That's why agency disclosure laws exist. \hline \text { Profit } & a & b & c & d \\ They fell in love and get hitched, signing a marriage certificate. A) $239,200 B) $276,060 C) $197,600 D) $246,960. laws governing the occupations of real estate license holders (brokers/sellers) and real estate inspectors Homestead limits urban environment, max amount of land can't exceed 10 acres (contiguous) Rural property, max is 200 acres for Family, and 100 acres for a single Rights associated with water riparian littoral encumbrance it must operate, maintain and repair the building and pay all costs. If the property is listed by a brokerage but not marketed on the Multiple listing Service (MLS) or, if one of the brokerages licensees represents the buyer and another represents the seller in the same transaction, it would be referred to as an. A rectangular survey has townships and ranges. Answers " Matching I Board Allied Schools. When there is a _________ provision in the loan or trust deed document, a non-judicial foreclosure can force the sale of the liened property without a foreclosure suit. the market rate fee that is charged a borrower to be able to use someone else's money. Paid cash for semimonthly payroll, $\$4,413.72$ (total payroll, $\$5,520.00$, less deductions: employee income tax, $\$304.00$; social security tax, $\$342. if a licensee is indicted for aggravated sexual assault, his license is, if a licensee is convicted for aggravated sexual assault, his license is, how long must a broker keep record of canceled checks of a brokers business account, how long must a broker keep record of copies of statements to buyers and sellers showing disbursement of funds, how long must a broker keep record of checkbook stubs noting deposits into and withdrawals from trust accounts, how long must a broker keep record of expired listing agreements, if the out of state broker has a real estate license in his own state, a licensed broker in NJ may pay a referral fee to a broker in another state, the law of descent applies to the remains of an estate after, wounded war veteran with a salesperson license, who would have the best opportunity to have their apprenticeship requirements waived for a brokers license, trustee disposing of property for a beneficiary, who does NOT need a real estate license to sell property, the expiration dates for NJ real estate license are based on, When does your NJ real estate license need to be renewed, possible if careful rules for disclosure are followed, properties with fewer than 3 rental units, The truth-in-renting act does NOT apply to, in order to convert an oral agreement for the sale of a property into a written listing agreement, the broker must deliver a written memorandum of the agreement to the client within how many days, after completing the real estate licensing course in NJ, how long does an individual have to pass the state exam and apply for a permanent license, a son selling a house for his parents in exchange for a new car. The course final exam is the last chapter of your course. All state exams are multiple-choice. If a Joint Tenant dies the remaining owners automatically receive and equal portion of the decedent's share (Right of Survivorship). c. $3,900. A construction loan is usually a higher risk than a residential loan. After the sale has been completed the former owner (borrower) then has a Statutory Right to redeem his or her property (for a period of time depending on local law). The U. S. Constitution's Fifth Amendment mentions the right to property. All rights, not specifically delegated to the government, remained with the people-including the common-law provisions of private property. Sold merchandise on account to Huang Restaurant, $\$5,000.00$, plus sales tax. 31. What is the downside to a business owning its own property? If an offeror regrets the offer and wants to withdraw, he can revoke the offer assuming the seller has not already accepted it. 29. Failure of property owners to enforce property and use restrictions in a timely manner is a way of terminating a restrictive covenant. What happens if the managing broker dies? intentional nondisclosure of a material fact. Your attorney explains that the ownership of the neighbors' real estate includes an easement appurtent giving them the driveway right. While most trust accounts are not interest-bearing accounts due to the short duration that the funds are in trust, a buyer or a seller, or either, can instruct a broker to place earnest money or other trust funds in a separate interest-bearing account. d. $15,600. The numbering of townships is between baselines that run east-west and the numbering of ranges is between meridians that run north-south. The typical home loan is secured by a mortgage or a deed of trust. Limited Partners cannot participate in the management decisions and are only liable for the money that they have invested. The Founding Fathers upheld the economic view of property. Received cash for the maturity value of NR28, a 90- day, $12\%$ note for $\$11,600.00$. first year of licensure. Every state requires real estate agents to have a license and to take and pass a state examination to get that license. A rent roll is a listing of occupied units in an apartment complex and the amount of money each is currently paying or will be required to pay in the future. The test has the following feature: Multiple choices There is no "fill in the blanks." No essay to be written There are no "none of the above" or "all of the above" answer choices. Unlike some other states, Georgia doesn't separate the questions out into two different exams. $3,120. In a real estate transaction the SELLER has the responsibility for filling out the property condition disclosure statement. 28. The woman did not charge the man rent for the use of the yard. It has been 31 days and he still has not addressed the issue. The mortgage broker or the loan officer doesn't evaluate credit for approval of loans. What type of survey describes the perimeter of a tract of land. Jane and Pete, NJ residents, would like to use some of the money they recently inherited to pay off the mortgage on their home. The debt accumulates as the payments are received. Taking a state real estate exam is necessary for becoming a licensed real estate agent. Marian may have a remedy under what: someone whose license is suspended may receive a fine for the first offense of up to: if the real estate commission wants to inspect a broker's office, how much notice must be given. where you LIVE. 2 Quiz - License Law Rules and Regulations Show Class Real Estate Real Estate The store is now an example of, a development company owned property that the city wanted so that it could extend the runways at the municipal airport. When sold, however, the buyer will be a Tenant in Common with the remaining owners who will still be Joint Tenants. There are several ways it can be terminated: A person who holds a Life Estate is also referred to as a _________ because the term for which he/she can control property will only exist for his or her life. As stockholders in the corporation they own what is called a "Proprietary Lease" that entitles them to use a certain apartment in the building. Now that I'm about to finish the course and take the practice exam i was reading the section named "it's time to prepare for your exam" and it says at the very end "A final note. The repayment of the loan is "amortized" over a period of time with payments that include both Principal and Simple Interest. Whenever a licensee is showing property to prospective purchasers an appointment needs to be made so the owner/seller of the home can not only straighten the property but actually plan to be absent from the property while it is being shown. A common consequence suffered by a mortgagor in a foreclosure procedure is ___. Principles of Real Estate FINAL EXAM REVIEW YouTube Syllabus Real Estate Principles June 21st, 2018 - Real Estate Principles and The grade on an exam may not be your final grade on that exam This one course completes the 60 hour Most property managers prepare regular reports for owners. Does Mike still have an aritsans lien he can enforce against Gary? D.$597.50 The state exam will be pending an approved application (I'm in California). Items attached as a fixture when installed by a tenant in a commercial rental space, that are used for trade or business, such as a grill in a restaurant, and that can be easily removed without damage to the property, are called ______. What happens if a managing broker's license is revoked? Course Final Exam Proctoring. 28. Reverse mortgages work best for older people who have 100% equity (no debt) on their property and need a steady income. A contractor planning to build a new apartment complex, needs to be sure that the architect drawing the plans has consulted the Americans with Disabilities Act to include the latest rulings and avoid any potential fines. A listing agent represents sellers while a selling agent represents buyers, The death of either the selling broker or buyer does NOT usually terminate a listing. A married couple sells their principal residence of 30 years for $650,000. Whatever, yesterday I took the pre final exam after studying for 8 hours. Anything in between is called a modified gross or modified net lease. Even though a mobile home, not attached to the land, may not be classified as real property, a PROPERTY CONDITION DISCLOSURE is usually required to be made by the owner when it is offered for sale. What type of income does a creditor expect from providing financial resources to an organization or business? A brokerage is required to reconcile its trust (escrow) accounts on a monthly basis. 27. This is an example of what principle of value? Then it will proceed in a direct line to a Point of Beginning (POB) at the property. After the sale the debtor has a statutory right of redemption, usually for a year, to come back and redeem his ownership by paying the debt and all costs related to the sale. principles final exam flashcards quizlet, california real estate principles ca real estate, real estate sales exam flashcards study system, california real . the borrower's credit rating is damaged for a significant time period. The primary purpose of a deed is to transfer title from a seller to a buyer. Whenever a resident of another state is licensed in NJ, they must, which of the following things may a broker-salesperson NOT do, a copy of a complete accounting, in writing, of all monies due to a terminated salesperson must be kept by the broker for how long, the clause includes all residential leases prepared by the licensees for a term of one year or more, a licensee supervising the main office of a real estate brokerage firm must be physically present at the office during business hours for how many days per calendar week (not including holidays). The current status of the sales contract is _____, A contract allowing a person to deal in cocaine sales on a property would be ______. Surface water. An escrow account ledger would contain names of all parties to a transaction, the amount of escrow funds the sponsoring broker received, and the date the broker received the funds. They believed that private property ownership, as defined under common law, pre-existed government. Yes. An important part of a property management report is the number of _________. the employing broker must pay all commissions owed to a salesperson within how many days after receipt of commission funds by the broker ? A promissory note and an amortizing mortgage have a due-on-sale clause that allows lenders to call the entire balance due and payable immediately if the borrower defaults on the loan. The bubble sheet is at the end. the deed known in NJ as a bargain and sale deed with covenants against grantors acts is also known as a, creates a specific lien, a security devise for a promissory note, recordation establishes property lien, must be signed by the lender, in a new subdivision, streets, sidewalks, and curbs are usually provided by, mixing broker's funds with escrow deposits, a partition proceeding is an example of _____, when you have a joint tenancy and other partner get sued for his portion of the property, when the land of another private person is possessed in an open and notorious way for more than 20 years, certain property owners are required to carry flood insurance by, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act - requires special information booklet, requires good faith estimate, requires uniform settlement statement, a legal description can be determined by a title attorney or, the landowner who dies without leaving a will is said to have been, the government has established benchmarks to aid, a contract being considered in an attorney review period is, in NJ, a COMMERCIAL real estate contract can only be prepared by, one officer must be licensed while the other officer may not be requires to obtain licenses, what is the license requirement pertaining to a license issued by a corporation, a person licensed as a broker, but working in a sales capacity under another broker's employ, is commonly known as, an attorney handling a distressed property sale for his client trying to avoid foreclosure, in NJ, who would NOT be required to be licensed as either a real estate broker or salesperson, knowledge written consent from both parties, a broker may act for both parties if they have. The two most effective study tools for the state exam are practice exams and learning the state-specific license laws. His children own a(n), VA and FHA mortgages are notable for their, smith pool company constructed a swimming pool. BUY IT. 31. 00$; and federal unemployment tax, $\$8.00$. Real Estate Practice Exam Questions 1-50 (2020) The real estate license exam is divided into two parts: the national and your specific state portions. I am serious about wanting to buy your property.". b. the original loan plus an additional loan amount. In a ____ partnership the General Partner makes decisions and is liable for debts. Issued 300 shares of $5\%$, $\$50.00$ par value preferred stock at par value, $\$15,000.00$. A lien is a notice to the public filed of record at the county courthouse that the title to a property is encumbered or clouded by a debt or other appurtenance, which is an attachment of a right or benefit by someone other than the owner. Our real estate practice exams are up to date with 2022 rules and regulations, and have helped thousands of test-takers pass their exam! If the company refuses to negotiate with the city, then the city may acquire the property by, in a widely publicized zoning, a man refused to sell his land to the local school district. A new agent may have to pay monthly fees to the brokerage for desk space, land-line telephone as "start-up costs" because the new agent hasn't generated any money to the brokerage yet. E. $550. Gary also informed Mike that the watch had been given to him by his grandmother who was celebrating her hundredth birthday in two days. You must complete all the course chapters, quizzes, and projects (if your course has one) before you can take the final exam. an agreement between a property owner and a single broker authorizing that broker to seek a buyer for the property in exchange for compensation Fair Housing Laws laws that protect the rights of certain citizens in housing transactions Fiduciary a person who is obligated to act in the best interest of another Fraud a set of rules and regulations designed primarily to control the use of property. But there are other payments that are not included in the PITI payment, such as the monthly utility bills. Recorded payment of credit card fee expense, $\$836.00$. Here you must submit an application, certifications of completed courses, live scan (fingerprinting) and fee. Government-owned buildings are usually classified as ___________. Real Estate Final Exam 5.0 (1 review) Term 1 / 184 a forced sale or purchase Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 184 a suit for specific performance of real estate contract asks for Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Created by Samantha_Marella824 Terms in this set (184) a forced sale or purchase The level of government that is charged with collecting taxes on real property is the _____. Owning this type of apartment is not owning real estate, but stock in a corporation that owns the property where the apartment is located. Sometimes a use such as residential will be allowed next to a use such as industrial or manufacturing. When a seller transfers title to his property to a buyer under a general warranty deed, he is warranting that the title is good and marketable and has no defects. It begins at a reference point, moves to a Point of Beginning (POB); traverses the perimeter of the property and returns to the POB. $295,000 / 135 = $2,185 monthly rent. The agents will have to pay their own business expenses and a self-employment tax. Accountable for any property (money, real estate) of the client in which the agent controls; act with Care and diligence; be Obedient to the clients' lawful instructions; be Loyal to the client's interests above those of anyone else and Disclose or give notice of all information that will help the client while keeping confidential all information that might harm a client. a consumer of real estate services who has entered into an agency relationship with a broker or another licensee employed by a broker. The homeowner receives (rather than pays) monthly payments. An item permanently attached to real property, such as an attached fence, is included in the definition of real property. Final Exam For Real Estate Principles classroom courses principles of real estate the 60 hour principles of real estate course is designed to prepare the student to pass the virginia state examination for licensure as a real estate salesperson, home approved real estate academy has locations in the following locations irvine 4010 barranca pkwy . A buyer Within a township there are 36 sections which have one mile on each side. Nonresidential real estate purchased since 1987 must be depreciated using: - both 39 years for the. community property laws and elective share laws. \hline \text { Probability } & 0.01 & 0.02 & 0.9 & 0.01 \\ The national and state questions are intermixed throughout a single test. A metes and bounds survey will sometimes begin at a known location such as a street intersection. Most states have around 80 questions. Journalize the following transactions completed during the last week in December of the current year. if the rancher has not previously conveyed the oil rights, who owns the oil, Certain items on the premises that are installed by the tenant and are related to the tenant's business are called, a homeowner acquired the ownership of land that was deposited by a river running through her property by, an easement acquired by constant, open, and adverse use is called an easement by, which encumbrance affects the title to property and is considered a general lien, a portion of a mans building was inadvertently built on a neighbor's land. 30. 452; serial number, M251; useful life, 4 years; estimated salvage value, $\$1,000.00$. Harrison moves his mobile home onto the land, had a well drilled, and lived there for the past 22 years. Notice of acceptance required to make an offer a contract. Type Your Name: Kirin Godhia Type Course Name: Real Estate Principles (RE 100) Final Exam Answer what is not a necessary part of the exclusive listing agreement, a terminations date, description of property, and selling price, what is a necessary part of the exclusive listing agreement, the discount charged by a lender and paid by the seller on a V.A. The sales tax rate is $6\%$. 9 25 2016 real estate final ch 4 6 flashcards quizlet 1 12 real estate final ch 4 6 42 terms by marissa fraser c while most real property in the united states A foreclosure where the lender has a right to sell the debtor's property without having to go through a long legal foreclosure process. C343. Takes about 1-2 months, maybe more if your DRE sites are closed due to COVID-19. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. 4. M32. This Product Has 52 Different Flashcards For Items Around The House Each Card Two Versions One With Wor Vocabulary Words Best Cfast 2.0 Reader Evidence Law. The woman tells the man that he can store his bulldozer in her yard for a few weeks. Will they be permitted to do so? The seller's representative's position is called the LISTING SIDE COMMISSION and the buyer's representative's position is called the selling side. A real estate license is required whenever a person wants to manage one or more properties owned by others in return for compensation, When a rental property has a defect that can be repaired through non-structural maintenance or rehab, like by replacing rusty pipes with PVC pipes, it is called _______, Govt regulations reduce investment returns. Mike sympathized with Gary and let him do so. A lease that requires the tenant to pay, in addition to rent, some or all of the property expenses that normally would be paid by the property owner. As a financial responsibility, the sponsoring broker must keep a journal for each escrow account. C344. Real Estate Appraisal Final Exam E INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the best answer for each question. A _____________ is an arrangement where a Trustors asset is transferred, to benefit someone over time. One mile is 5,280 linear feet. What is subject to this act? The loan was made by a state chartered bank. When a property is restricted, and the ownership is dependent (conditioned) on a particular use as set forth in a deed, the condition will remain in effect no matter how many times the property is sold. c. interest-only payments. In Texas, the score to pass is 56 and 21. One acre has 43,560 square feet. In general, you should expect your real estate licensing exam to be around 100-150 multiple choice questions; about 60-80 state-specific questions, and about 80-100 questions related to generally universal real estate concepts. When a property that has been listed for sale is destroyed by a tornado, the listing agreement between the licensee and the owner is destroyed as well. If there are contingencies (Title search, survey, physical inspections, and financing availability) that are not fulfilled, the contract is subject to possible rescission by either party. Events covered are those which cannot be controlled by either party, such as natural disasters, like floods or hurricanes, and/or death. Questions are on the real estate exam who has entered into an agency relationship with a broker or another employed... Seller or the listing broker will terminate the listing your DRE sites are closed due COVID-19. Property ownership, as defined under common law, pre-existed government let him do so expenses and a self-employment.! All commissions owed to a buyer of land will have to pay their business. Downside to a Point of Beginning ( POB ) at the property. `` M251 ; useful,... Appraisal final exam flashcards quizlet, california real loan amount nonresidential real estate an... 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real estate quizlet final exam